The LVAS has an active Outreach Program  with volunteers that love to share the Wonders of the Night Sky with the public.  We support Astronomy and Science actvities with Schools, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and other organizations that have an interest in Astronomy.

Teachers, Organization Leaders, and Community Leaders are encouraged to contact our Vice President for Outreach, Francisco Silva to coordinate and schedule events with the LVAS. We ask that those desiring LVAS support complete our online Astronomy Outreach Support Request Form.

If you have questions regarding the form, you may contact francisco.silva@lvastronomy.com

Event organizers should use the Moon Phase Widget on the right side of this page pick dates for their events.  Unless you wish to focus on observing the Moon, we would suggest choosing an evening when the Moon is less than 50% illuminated.  When the Moon is between 1st Quarter to Full and Full to 3rd Quarter, the bright Moon, when coupled with the light pollution of Las Vegas, makes deep sky objects difficult to see.   We also recommend choosing an alternate night, in case of inclement weather.