About LVAS
The Las Vegas Astronomical Society is an organization of amateur astronomers, formed to promote amateur astronomy in Sourthern Nevada.  The Society was established in July 1980, and is a non-profit organization, operating under the auspicies of the College of Southern Nevada Planetarium, Dr. Andrew Kerr, Director.  Our sole purpose is to promote the love and enjoyment of Astronomy.  We hold regularly scheduled monthly meetings and observation sessions, at which we share information on current astronomical events, tools, and techniques for observation, astrophotography, astronomical computer software, and other topics concerning general astronomy.  We endeavor to make all of our events open to the public.  We also assist and support the efforts of other community groups with similar educational and astronomical activities.  We have an active Education Outreach Program, providing support for School Science and Astronomy Nights, Scout Troops, Service Organizations, and other organizations with an interest in Astronomy.  Membership in the Society is open to the public. See our Membership page for information.
2024-2026 Officers
Mig Ponce
Vice President
Kevin Swartz


Aimee Goodwin

Vice President for Outreach
Francisco Silva
Vice President for Special Events,
Curator, Web Master
David Blanchette


Event Organizer
Keith Caceres