In Memorium
Rob Lambert
(Photo by Greg McKay)
It's with great sadness that we note the passing of former LVAS president Rob Lambert on Wednesday April 10, 2019.
Rob started out with little knowledge of astronomy almost 20 years ago, when he was invited to a star party by a friend. When his friend needed to step away, he asked Rob to man his telescope. In this short break, the sky grabbed Rob's imagination and intellect; he was hooked. Rob was a quick study. He picked up his new obsession in no time, becoming one of the major influences on the Las Vegas Astronomical Society, and eventually serving several terms as president among other positions.
He was one of the most active members of the LVAS. He would organize public outreach events and entertain the public with his knowledge and views of astronomical objects, then often stay afterward pursuing the objects he found so beautiful late into the night.
His family, friends, and members of the LVAS will miss him dearly.
Bill Pickard
LVAS member and volunteer, Bill Pickard, passed away on May 20, 2021, after a long battle with cancer.
As a long time club member, astronomy was his passion, and he was a frequent attendee at club meetings and volunteer at our stargazing events. “Mr. Bill” as he was commonly known, was a proponent of binoculars, and could often be found extolling binocular benefits to club members and the general public. Bill was known for his offbeat sense of humor, and his comments designed to get a reaction. Bill was instrumental in establishing Friday night star parties at the Resort on Mt. Charleston, which always drew an enthusiastic crowd of hotel guests and the public. His commitment and enthusiasm will be sorely missed.
Jerry Stein

It’s with a heavy heart that we report our beloved longtime member, former vice president, and former treasurer Jerry Stein passed away peacefully January 18, 2023. Jerry found out in 2022 that he had cancer and it had spread. Jerry was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather. We were proud to call him a friend.
If there is one word that sums up Jerry, it would be “service”. Jerry was one of the old guard with the astronomical society. He was a veteran who served in the Army. He was a retired attorney who volunteered with the courts to help youth with truancy issues. He was an avid volunteer with the astronomical society at both our public events and educational outreach events at schools, freely sharing his deep passion and knowledge of astronomy with kids and adults alike. He was always happy to help members and the public learn to use their new telescope, or help them fix issues. He was also a regular volunteer at the Wetlands Park, where he’d take his morning walks, and was quite the history buff too.
He served as our treasurer for a couple of terms. When it was discovered that a paperwork issue prior to his time as a club officer had caused the IRS to suspend our 501(c)(3) charity status, it was Jerry who spent long hours on-hold on the phone and writing them to find out what was needed to correct the issue, getting our charity status reinstated.
He will be greatly missed by all of us. Our condolences go out to his family as we grieve their loss.